Assignment | Points |
Weekly assignments | 50 |
Midterm | 20 |
Final | 20 |
Quizzes | 10 |
Total | 100 |
Letter | Range | Description |
A | 93.5-100 | Excellent work (Exceeds expectations) |
AB | 89.5-93.4 | Good work (Robustly meets all stated requirements) |
B | 83.5-89.4 | Adequate work (Meets the spirit of all stated requirements |
BC | 79.5–83.4 | Slightly below adequate (Missing small required elements or turned in late without approved extension) |
C | 73.5–79.4 | Below adequate (Missing required elements or turned in late without approved extension) |
D | 73.4–63.5 | Well below adequate (Missing many required elements or turned in late without approved extension) |
F | 63.5 | Inadequate (Work not turned in, no extension requested |
Attendance: No attendance will be taken during class, as some students are expected to attend class in person, some will watch the lecture online, and others are expected to watch recorded lectures. Quizzes that are announced in class must be completed on Canvas within 12 hours.
Late Policy: Assignments submitted by 11:59 pm on the date of the deadline will receive full marks. For each assignment, 20% of the total grade for that assignment will be removed for each day that the assignment is late. Submissions that are 5+ days late will receive no marks. For each assignment, the submissions made to the GitHub Classroom repository will be pulled at 11:59 pm daily and used for grading. If a submission was made by the deadline, it cannot be updated unless attenuating circumstances.
Emergencies and Exceptions: Inform the instructor immediately of any crisis that preclude you from attending a class or an exam.
Special Needs: Students with special needs should inform the instructor immediately via email so that accommodations can be made.
Religious observances: Let the instructor know in the first two weeks of classes if an assignment, deadline, or major project milestone interferes with an important religious or cultural observance/event to ensure that accommodations can be made in a timely manner.
Plagiarism and Unauthorized Collaboration: Students can study for exams or review course material in groups, but assignments must be completed individually. The scenarios below will be considered acts of academic misconduct (see section below titled “Academic Integrity”):
Copying code from a fellow student,
Copying code from the Web,
Working together with a group of students
All student work submitted for exams, quizzes, and assignments will be reviewed for each type of plagiarism using automated tools. Significant similarity among submissions and between submissions and code and material available online will be flagged for detailed review for academic misconduct.
Students should review the course syllabus for institutional policies.